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Intralipid Treatment

It has been suggested that there may be problems in the immune system as one of the causes of failure in IVF treatments. It has been claimed that the density of the Natural Killer Cells described in the CD56 test may cause failure in the uterus and may hinder the attachment of your embryo to the mother's uterus. Although there is no gold standard, ie evidence-based treatment, intralipid treatment consisting of soybean oil, egg yolk, glycerin and water has been reported to be successful. 

The scheme of this treatment, which is also possible for you, is as follows: The first intralipid infusion is performed one week prior to the ovo collection or embryo transfer procedure and on the day of the procedure. If positive, third intralipid infusion is performed after the pregnancy test. 2-3 weeks after the third infusion, infusion is continued every 2-3 weeks until the maximum 12th week of pregnancy. The infusion will be given to you by intravenous route. In the event of a possible intolerance or allergy development, the procedure is terminated rapidly. The resources related to the latest current studies about the process are added below.