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What is Microchip (Micro Fluid Channel System)?

What is Microchip (Micro Fluid Channel System)?

Conventional sperm preparation methods for in vitro fertilization are based on centrifugation and flotation. The prepared sperm sample is examined under a microscope and morphologically uniformly shaped sperm are selected and combined with the ovo cell. Centrifugation during preparation can cause ROS (reactive oxygen derivatives) in sperm cells and cause DNA damage. In the microchip technology developed, sperms are floated in micro channels similar to the progression in the uterus, uterine canal and vagina as if they were in the natural environment without being centrifuged. The sperm sample is loaded with a pipette into the top channel entrance and healthy, DNA-free, mobile sperm moving along the channel try to cross the channel as if they would reach the ovo. Poor quality motile sperm with DNA damage and low mobility are eliminated in this race. Healthy sperm collected in the pool at the end of the canal are collected and used for microinjection. It is possible to increase embryo development rates on the 5th day with the sperm obtained in this way.

For which patients is the microchip method suitable?

  • In patients receiving IUI (fertilization) treatment
  • Infertile patients with high sperm DNA fragmentation
  • In patients with recurrent miscarriage of unknown cause
  • Although it is a good quality oocyte, it is a technology that can be easily used in patients who develop weak embryos and who have at least one failed experiment.